The learnings of a bargain-hunter

 I am a true Indian who just cant get a good night's sleep if i dont bargain and get something for atleast 25% lesser cost than what was mentioned. I should actually pat myself for putting this extraordinary skill to the best use possible.

So my shopping spree at T nagar actually was a test of my shear talent. I got down from the over-crowded bus that just spills out people like a miniature anaconda. Thankfully I was alive enough to get on my feet and enter the ever happening Ranganathan street. I wade in through the crowd of people to find the shops that sell the wares I need. My eyes fell on a peanut seller, the delicious aroma of his peanuts waft through the air and reach my nostrills which were wrigling under the combined effect of vehicular and cigarette smoke. For a brief moment i forgot my mission (of bargain hunting) and decided to indulge for a while (i mean in peanuts).

I asked the peanut seller for a cup of peanuts. He asked my preference: with or without masala. I like masala, be it food or movies. He then filled a paper cone with flavoured boiled peanuts. He actually filled it more than its capacity which made me happy.Here I made an interesting observation. He is a really good enterpreneur. He knew exactly how to package his products. Nodoby bargained with him and he always got his price.

Munching on the extra delicious peanuts, I again resumed my task. One of the many things I wanted to buy was a mobile phone holder which comes with a string which could be hung around the neck. (you actually need it if you live in hostels where you cant afford to keep your mobile phones lying around if you dont want them to get lost). And I found a shop soon (there are few things money cant buy. except those, you can find everything else in T nagar). The shop owner showed me various designs and colors. I was quite satisfied and asked him the price. He spelt out an exorbitant price for such a tiny piece of fabric. I flatly refused and gave him my option. He said no and said "fixed price, madam". I tried to negotiate. But he dint budge . I could not give away my principles and pay the price he asked. So I just walked away smirking at him mentally telling him," there are many other shops here , buddy" But to my shock I found all the shops, selling that thing , say the same price and I got the same answer everywhere. Disheartened, I decided not to buy the mobile holder.

But I noticed another interesting observation. These shopkeepers too are enterpreneurs in their own right. They are better organised and they know that it yields good results.

At the end of the day, eventhough my mission couldnt be accomplished, I learnt quite a lot about these self proclaimed MBAs( Masters of Bargainless Application). Kudos to them. If not for them, my life will be a lot more easier....May be I should resharpen my bargaining skills to outwit these MBAs...


  1. Well, what a great topic to start off your innings in blogosphere! Something so close to your heart..hehe..
    Yeah, its really a tough time bargaining, especially in south. But then, sometimes it doesnt make sense when we simply start fighting for every penny. This very human tendency has caused these inflationary prices!


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