
Showing posts from January, 2011

The learnings of a bargain-hunter

 I am a true Indian who just cant get a good night's sleep if i dont bargain and get something for atleast 25% lesser cost than what was mentioned. I should actually pat myself for putting this extraordinary skill to the best use possible. So my shopping spree at T nagar actually was a test of my shear talent. I got down from the over-crowded bus that just spills out people like a miniature anaconda. Thankfully I was alive enough to get on my feet and enter the ever happening Ranganathan street. I wade in through the crowd of people to find the shops that sell the wares I need. My eyes fell on a peanut seller, the delicious aroma of his peanuts waft through the air and reach my nostrills which were wrigling under the combined effect of vehicular and cigarette smoke. For a brief moment i forgot my mission (of bargain hunting) and decided to indulge for a while (i mean in peanuts). I asked the peanut seller for a cup of peanuts. He asked my preference: with or without masala. I