
Showing posts from July, 2017

The Aiport chronicles

Up in the air I have always found air travel enjoyable. And when my work profile over the years warranted that I travel often, I couldn’t be happier. Every travel brings with it some memories which I can only think back with a grin on my face. The first time I traveled it was with a group of colleagues. I remember not knowing what a boarding pass is and questioning people that when you have a ticket why would you need another ticket to fly. Or the time when I was fumbling with the seat belt and not knowing what goes where and asking sheepishly for help from a kind air hostess. There are all kinds of people one can see on flights. I have tried to classify this ever increasing flock of people to the best extent possible. The avid photographer – the person who has to capture every passing cloud, mountain, city, river and everything beneath him/her. The selfie obsessed traveler – Someone who has to capture those precious in-flight selfies and airport selfies with the perfe