
Showing posts from May, 2015

The Srilankan Honeymoon

I couldn’t have asked for a better reason to celebrate (which translates to burning some hard earned money). My three year old relationship was finally entering the next stage. I was to marry my boyfriend. Apart from the usual wedding planning stuffs like fixing mandap, inviting folks, finding the right caterers and blah blah blah, a very important question lingered on top of our minds. Where to go for honeymoon? The thought of an international honeymoon never failed to catch my interest. What with my FB friends posting pics of their newlywed spouses with the alps as the backdrop or posing in front of the Petronas twin towers. But as a humble salaried employee, I stumbled upon the inevitable teeny-weeny issue of monetary capability. That’s when a friend of my then fiancĂ©’s dad suggested that after my wedding we should visit him at his place. And what place was it? Its Srilanka – the land of beaches, mountains, tropical forests and what not. After duly discussing this with each ot